Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Coast magazine

I've got a mention in this month's Coast magazine under the 'watch the pros' section. Never think of myself as a pro. The article is about living and working by the sea and how its lucky to have a creative career down here. In financial terms being an artist can be hard. Paint, canvas and framing cost a fortune, then there's studio costs and delivering work to galleries ( I've just been charged £95 for delivery of two paintings from Cornwall to a Bath gallery !!) .Added to that when a painting sells the gallery takes 45 to 50% of the purchase price. Painting is a labour of love I think.

This article mentions my next show, which is 'Cornwall and London from above' , at Cornwall Contemporary gallery in Penzance 6-30 April, with Neil Pinkett.

Friday, 13 January 2012

London Art Fair

Bridge span ,32x32 cm

Nocturne, Mylor quay. 90x90 cm.

I will be showing work later this month with Edgar Modern gallery at the London Art fair.

The fair will be on from 18 - 22 January, .

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Happy New Year !

I was clearing the attic over christmas and unearthed this poster - featuring a painting of mine from the 2004 Hunting art prizes. I remember doing this painting of houses at Perranuthnoe for a solo show at the Brian Sinfield gallery in the Cotswolds - but at the last minute I pulled it out and put it in the competition in a 'nothing ventured nothing gained' frame of mind. Anyway to my amazement and delight it won 2nd prize. This was from a field of 1,800 paintings, and amazingly enough the winner of the young artist award lived on the same street as me in Falmouth !
I remember Ken Howard was on the judging panel - so thanks Ken ! Never did get to meet him..
The painting was sold at the show to an American friend of the Hunting family, and as far as I know is now in the US.

This was a later nocturnal version of the painting, now in a private collection in Falmouth.