Friday, 23 March 2012

Hayle chalets and Penzance harbour

Here are a couple of paintings which were finished too late to make it into the catalogue for my upcoming Cornwall Contemporary show. There will be 17 paintings of mine in the show so only less than half feature in the catalogue.
I was lucky to be given a load of images of Cornwall from the air from my neighbour Nova who had a scenic flight for her birthday and took around 100 photos ! With special focus on Hayle and St Ives coastlines , and usefully for me there were photos of her chalet amongst the others on Hayle towans. Added to that it looked like perfect weather.

Penzance harbour 35x50 cm
Hayle chalets, low tide 55x55 cm. The lines at the top should be straight - just my poor photography.
Chalets, Hayle Towans .Photos by Nova.


  1. Lovely colours and great interpretation. I don't like flying, but I think I'd have a go just to take such photos - maybe would prefere to fly a bit lower though...


  2. Love these, Alasdair. Great use of colour, and I like where it's layered up to give flashes of contrasting colour. Wish I could afford one of yours. :0)

  3. Thanks for your comments Kristina and Sue .After 3 months of painting only aerial views I still think theres lots of potential for interesting new paintings. Will be focusing more on London aerial views next month....
